EU Camp Guide


Teaching entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation requires unconventional teaching methods. To acquire entrepreneurial and innovative skills they cannot just learn about the field. They must also be trained in it. Students must be immersed in the process of entrepreneurship and innovation and not just observe it passively from a safe distance. They must experience it in body and mind and not just in the brain.

Teaching entrepreneurship and innovation should therefore not just be teaching knowledge, but also training of skills and developing mindset.

As a teacher – or rather trainer – it is therefore important to find methods where you can take a step backwards in the learning process and see yourself as mentor or coach for the learning process of the students and not as the central person in total control.

However, traditional educational institutions have a lot of cultural, administrative and practical barriers to overcome if you want to use more innvative and involving methods of learning about entrepreneurship and innvoation. Immersion in a creative process requires time and focus which can be difficult to get in the weekly schedule of zapping between lectures.

Therefore we have developed the camp concept, where you take out a few days of the usual schedule and work intensively on developing new ideas and concepts.

This EU Camp Guide will give you the guidelines and to do-lists necessary to run a camp.


EU Camp Guide – 21 page pdf-version…

The Camp Model for Entrepreneurship Teaching (academic article)

3 videos for illustration…

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Key elements in a camp

The camp organization

The camp method in practice

Camp example